


Gather your friends for a game of mahjong! Pong and zi mo your way to victory in this classic game of strategy and luck!

Mahjong Booking Rates
Type of Room
Charges (w/GST)
Single Room (Manual Table)$7.49/room/hr
Single Room (Automatic Table, only in the East Room)$8.56/room/hr

Booking Procedures

  1. Bookings can be made in person, through phone or by email to the Main Reception (9am to 10pm) at on a first-come-first-served basis. A booking by email is confirmed only when the member receives a return confirmation from the Club.
  2. Members are to determine the exact number of hours they want to book and are required to provide the names and membership numbers of his/ her playing partners.
  3. Guest(s) must be properly signed in by the members.
  4. Members will be billed prior to the commencement of play for the number of hours booked.
  5. An advance booking of up to seven (7) days is permitted.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Each member may only book one (1) table at any one (1) time, with no breaks in between.
  2. Members who wish to book for two play durations can only place their booking at the end of the first play duration (subject to availability of table).
  3. A member who fails to turn up for his booking will be charged for no-show based on the full amount of the number of hours booked.
  4. Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours in advance, failing which, a $12.84 w/GST penalty charge will be imposed.
  5. “No Refund Policy” – Members are charged for the number of hours booked and there will be no refund once billed, even if member returns the key earlier.
  6. The member who books the table is required to play only at that table.
  7. The Mahjong/ Card Rooms are strictly for playing of mahjong and cards only. Please note that cards are not provided by the Club.
  8. Person below the age of eighteen (18) years is strictly not permitted in the room.
  9. Members are to switch off the air-con, lights and lock the room before returning the Mahjong/ Card Room’s key to the staff at the Main Reception after the end of the game or to the security guard house after the closing hours of the Main Reception (after 10pm).

Operating Hours
Monday – Thursday, Sunday & Public Holiday: 10.00am – 12.00am
Friday, Saturday and Eve of Public Holiday: 10.00am – 1.00am
Note: A grace period of 15 minutes beyond closing time is allowed for players to complete their game

For enquiries and bookings, contact Main Reception at 6286 8888